My new fashion suite has been opened for 2 months. And everytime I look at the wall paper, I am reminded by how many afternoons Gary has burnt trying to attempt amateur wallpapering. While he is cursing and swearing and sweating as he did it, I could see he did it really out of his love for me. Oh yes, mushy but it is the truth.
Before that I pulled him shopping with me for the wallpaper at Laura Ashley. And days we spent shopping in Malaysia and Singapore and doing our sums considering whether we should buy the piece of furniture for our suite. The wooden shelves, the drawers,the tables were assembled and drilled on by him and everytime I have to bear with his nagging. But not to forget this is the man who went shopping with me for stuff, moved, carried the stuff, drove me around, installed everything and sometimes even paid for them. All these precious time he could have spent sleeping in or playing games or feeding his fishies but he didnt.
The gorgeous chandelier was given to me by my aunt who is extremely close to me. I felt such a relief as she started strongly opposing me in setting up a business. This chandelier was a symbol of her well wishes and support and accepting my journey from a little girl to a business woman. Everytime I switch on the chandelier I can feel her smile beaming.
I will never have journeyed so far without the support of these loved ones. Thank you.
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