Verona is the city where Shakespear's characters Romeo and Juliet were based. A city bustling with artistic legacies that when you visit Juliet's house, you can even imagine Romeo serenading to Juliet under the balcony.
Italy is a place of bittersweet memories for me. I once studied in Milan when I was in the university. It was a period of drama, romance, excitement and freedom. I remembered jumping out of a moving train to shut someone up before. Eating gelato in freezing winter. Being pursued over a few streets by an Italian romeo. Visiting a friendly lonely old man in a city's outskirts. Roaming picturesque Firenze (Florence) and the art museums alone with my camera and enjoying being alone doing nothing. Taking a midnight train alone. Mistaking the police car for a taxi. sunbathing at Italian island-Sardegnia. Going to class initially and pretending to understand when everyone only spoke Italian. Working on retail projects with amazingly talented people. Eating my favourite 2 euro pizza after school. I probably came across as a gusty and aloof oriental girl.
All these precious memories are locked up inside my heart. And when I left Italy then with a heavy heart, I always wonder when will I go back and if I do who will I go back with.

Taken at Torino, dreamy river Po.
Yoz! What nice experiences in Italy! I wish I have a chance to stay in a foreign country for a couple of months like you! :)
Ha.. ya, That's the best part of my life. :)
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