I think dancing is in my blood. It is a therapy for me where I can get away from the stresses of modern world and get lost in this fantasy world of my own.
I started dancing when I was 5 years old. Yea. I remembered wearing the aloha skirt and bikini and dancing in the kindergarten concert. The teacher told my mum I could really shake my bon bon which made my mum so happy that she enrolled me in ballet when I was 7 years old. I also took Chinese dance and gymnastics. I loved ballet lessons and thought I will be a dancer when I grow up. But when I was 14 years old, I had a very bad sprain accident that made pointing my toes unbearably painful so I had to stop. By then I have already taken a couple of exams certified by the Royal Ballet Academy in London.
However, my love affair for dance did not stop. I will relish every chance to dance and when I was in university I love clubbing at Zouk. Some people go clubbing to drink but I go clubbing to dance. I could dance from 9pm-3am! God knows where I got all this stamina. And undeniably I am drawn to guys who can dance well like Aaron Kwok(yes I am from that era). And when I started working, I took up Salsa and really love it. In fact, latin like Rhumba is my favourite. I also like Bollywood dancing and I really hope to learn pole or belly dancing even though Gary cant stomach it maybe due to his conservative nature? I can embrace all dance forms but I personally dont really fancy hip hop, jazz or contemporary.
Now my latest endeavour is ballroom dancing. Waltz, cha cha, samba, rhumba, ooh la la. I am waiting to learn Tango with TTB. I am lucky to find Gary. He has probably not danced before in his life before meeting me unless probably the macarena?? And after 1 year of persuasion, he finally went dancing with me. And for 2 years, we go dancing once a week! I am the happiest when we go together for Ball which is organised by our dance teacher. He is unusually charming and dashing in his suit and bow tie. And now I wait for him to come back from his hiatus!

At Raffles Hotel Ball

Hopefully no matter how busy we get over the years, we can keep dancing together till we are old and frail :)
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