Hi there, sorry I have not blogged for so long. i know many must have been chiding me for my absence. But it is really crazy trying to juggle 3 fashion shows! I promise I will become stronger and better designer after surviving all these. :)
Anyway, here's a little dish that Gary prepared for me on Sunday that is really YUMMY. Looking at the picture is enough to make me hungry again. These are spaghetti with baby abalone and squids in white wine. His food is ultimate indulgence and comfort for me when I am tired. Spaghetti al dente with garlic chopped finely, sprinkled with white wine, and served with generous chewy fresh abalone plus FAT squids. The aroma of the white wine and garlic already greet me before I taste them. Mama mia! If one day he opens a restaurant, I will be the first in line.